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Welcome to a better, longer and and healthier life.

Personalised insights, guidance and relevant products for those looking to slow or reverse biological ageing — so you can live a better, longer and healthier life.

Personal insight, guidance, and relevant products for those who want to slow down or reverse biological aging – so that you can live a better, longer, and healthier life.

Free information meeting

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Velkommen til et bedre, lengre og friskere liv.
Velkommen til et bedre, lengre og friskere liv.

About Epivity

Epivity works within a field called Epigenetics. This is a rapidly growing field that studies the processes that regulate the activation and deactivation of genes, which play a key role in controlling our aging process. Increasing age is the biggest risk factor for our common diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and dementia. Epivity offers guidance in epigenetic aging deceleration and health optimization. It's about the ability to live long with the best possible health.

Foto av mann som spaserer i fjell med sportsutstyr


Can aging be slowed down? Our head of Epivity's advisory board and scientific author Hanne S. Finstad has written a book about this. For one year, she tried out various methods and epigenetic tests showed that she became 5 years younger. What does this mean and what did she do?

Can aging be slowed down? Our head of Epivity's advisory board and scientific author Hanne S. Finstad has written a book about this. For one year she tried out various methods and epigenetic tests showed that she became 5 years younger. What does this mean and what did she do?


Take control of your own health

Epivity combines the latest in research with leading expertise in health optimization, age reversal, nutrition, and exercise. We guide you through the confusing jungle of actors and recommendations. All to enable you to live as healthy and as long as possible.

What we stand for

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Our method:



Epivity provides unique insights into your own health.
  • Comprehensive assessment of your health
  • Epigenetic test - get your biological age assessed
  • Digital measuring tools
  • Dietary status
  • Exercise status



Based on insight into your health, we create a plan for your health optimization.
  • Supplements
  • Exercise
  • Diet
  • Lifestyle
  • Monitoring



With close follow-up and our advanced measuring tools, we closely monitor your health development.
  • Status on thedevelopment of your health
  • New epigenetic test - updated status of your biological age
  • Monitoring of your measuring tools
  • New dietary andnutrition status
  • New exercise status


What the science tells us about aging and how you can influence it

In a few years, there is a high likelihood that we will no longer view age-related diseases and ailments as entirely unavoidable, but rather as something we can largely influence and prevent. It is also expected that we can significantly extend life expectancy. Through lifestyle and intake of various supplements, we can activate mechanisms that restore epigenetic information. It can be compared to having DNA on "service." We restore some of the epigenetic information that describes when and where our genes should be used.


Epigenetics can be likened to a table of contents for how our DNA should be activated when creating such different cell types as brain cells and muscle cells. The table of contents consists of various molecules that are bound to DNA or to the protein molecules around which the DNA strand is wound. For cells to function optimally, the table of contents must be in order.

The technological revolution in genetic engineering has made it possible to map the location of several hundred thousand methyl groups in the DNA.

Illustrasjon av DNA som viser ulike områder som påvirker aldring

DunedInpace is an example of an epigenetic clock that, using biomarkers, maps the health status of cells and tissues.


Pace of aging age 26-45

Measurement of age

There is no clear definition of what biological age is. It is calculated in various ways.However, common to all methods is that they use biomarkers that indicate the health status of cells and tissues.There are various epigenetic clocks for measuring biological age. First-generation clocks are calibrated by chronological age. Second-generation clocks, however, are calibrated by biological age. Epivity always uses the best-validated clocks.

NB! Certain medications (e.g., immunosuppressive and chemotherapy), pregnancy, and ongoing illness can disrupt test results, and we recommend not taking such a test in such cases. They also have no place in the assessment of children and young adults.


We know that exercise, diet, sleep, and stress management have the potential to influence aging switches. We take the effect of exercise to a whole new level by offering "Epivity training," which are training programs aimed at functional and robust physique, good metabolic status, and focus on cognitive health. Our approach combines science with your individual needs to ensure that you experience optimal results. It's not just about adding more years to life, but also about adding more life to years.

  • Epigenetic analyses, mapping of diet, exercise status, and assessment of other tests provide deep insight into your health profile.
  • Choose between different levels of training (levels 1-3) based on your desires and needs.


Various supplements can activate mechanisms that restore epigenetic information.These are some of the most important supplements in Epivity's toolbox.

Omega 3

  • Positive effect on the immune system and on patients with arthritis, migraine and psoriasis.
  • Helps to curb inflammation and slow down accelerated aging.
  • Reduces ailments associated with PMS.
  • Makes stiff joints more supple.

Vitamin D

  • Promotes calcium absorption for optimal bone health.
  • Strengthens the body's defenses against infections and diseases.
  • Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.
  • May lessen depression and anxiety symptoms, affects serotonin balance.


  • Antioxidant found naturally in red wine, chocolate and red grapes.
  • Protective effect on the skin and reduces signs of aging.
  • Lowers blood pressure and protects brain function.
  • Improves the function of NMN.


  • Found naturally in raw beef, broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, avocados and tomatoes.
  • NMN supports cellular energy production and metabolic processes.
  • Potential role in cell renewal and slower aging processes.
  • Helps maintain and repair damaged DNA structures.

Omega 3

  • Positive effect on the immune system and on patients with arthritis, migraine and psoriasis.
  • Helps to curb inflammation and slow down accelerated aging.
  • Reduces ailments associated with PMS.
  • Makes stiff joints more supple.

Vitamin D

  • Promotes calcium absorption for optimal bone health.
  • Strengthens the body's defenses against infections and diseases.
  • Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.
  • May lessen depression and anxiety symptoms, affects serotonin balance.


  • Antioxidant found naturally in red wine, chocolate and red grapes.
  • Protective effect on the skin and reduces signs of aging.
  • Lowers blood pressure and protects brain function.
  • Improves the function of NMN.


  • Found naturally in raw beef, broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, avocados and tomatoes.
  • NMN supports cellular energy production and metabolic processes.
  • Potential role in cell renewal and slower aging processes.
  • Helps maintain and repair damaged DNA structures.



Periodisk Faste – Nøkkelen til Bedre Helse?

Forskning viser at periodisk faste kan gi mange helsefordeler, men er det for alle, og hvordan kan det fungere for deg?


Slik setter du opp et treningsprogram for et langt og sunt liv

Når vi snakker om trening med fokus på longevity, handler det ikke bare om å være fysisk aktiv – det handler om å trene smart. Målet er å forbedre både livslengde og livskvalitet ved å bygge en sterk og motstandsdyktig kropp som kan forebygge skader og redusere risikoen for helseutfordringer som kreft, hjerte- og karsykdommer, demens og metabolsk sykdom.


Kan ditt sosiale liv påvirke hvor raskt du eldes?

Visste du at ditt sosiale nettverk kan spille en viktig rolle i hvordan du eldes? Ny forskning gir oss verdifull innsikt i sammenhengen mellom sosial aktivitet og biologisk aldring. I dette nyhetsbrevet deler vi funnene som kan gi deg et nytt perspektiv på hvordan hverdagslige relasjoner påvirker helsen din.

Ultraprosessert mat – Hva viser forskningen om helsekonsekvensene?

Ultraprosessert mat – Hva viser forskningen om helsekonsekvensene?

Flere nylige studier har knyttet høyt inntak av ultraprosessert mat til en rekke alvorlige helseproblemer, som hjerneslag, kognitiv svikt, og utviklingen av kroniske sykdommer som diabetes, fedme, kreft og hjerte-kar-sykdommer. Men hva er egentlig ultraprosessert mat, og hvorfor er det så skadelig for helsen vår?


Bytt til mer vegetarmat for bedre helse og lavere risiko for sykdom

Drømmer du om et lengre og sunnere liv? Ny forskning fra Universitetet i Bergen viser at det å bytte ut animalske proteinkilder med vegetabilske proteiner kan redusere risikoen for hjerte- og karsykdommer og diabetes type 2 betydelig. Les videre for å finne ut hvordan en liten endring i kostholdet ditt kan ha store fordeler for helsen.


Er tennis er nøkkelen til et lengre liv?

Tennis er ikke bare en populær sport, men også en aktivitet som kan ha stor innvirkning på både fysisk og mental helse. Studier har vist at tennis kan bidra til å forlenge levetiden og forebygge demens, takket være de komplekse utfordringene sporten tilbyr.


Epigenetikk -hvor arv og miljø møtes

Epigenetikk er informasjon knyttet til genene våre og som er med på å bestemme hvordan gener blir uttrykt og regulert. Livsstil og miljøpåvirkninger har vist seg å ha stor betydning i denne sammenheng.

Fysisk aktivitet

Fysisk aktivitet

- den mest effektive medisinen!

Faste mot kreft

Faste mot kreft?

Å faste kan hjelpe immunsystemet i kampen mot kreft, ifølge studie på mus.

no age

Konferanse om Aldring og Demens

Epivity Health Oslo AS Stolt Sponsor og Partner av Internasjonal Konferanse om Aldring og Demens

Picture of Hallvar Sigmundstad with ball

Epivity training

We take the training effect to a whole new level by offering “Epivity training” With us to guide and motivate you we have Hallvar Sigmundstad.

Photo of the book “Younger”

Can aging be slowed down?

Our academic advisor Hanne S. Finstad has written a book about it. For one year, she tried out various methods, and tests show that she became 5 years younger. What did she do?

Portrait of Hannah Went

Hannah Went

We welcome Hannah Went — Director of Operations at TruDiagnostic as a new member of our Advisory Board.

Photo of the Research Park in Oslo


Epivity has moved into Forskningsparken - a meeting place and community for 300+ companies from business, incubators, clusters, research and academia! The academic centers of gravity are ICT, mobility, media literacy, life science, health, climate, environment, energy and nanotechnology. It's inspiring to be part of such an innovative environment.

Portrait of Evandro Fei Fang

Faste mot kreft

Our “Advisory Board” is getting more and more exciting! We are so lucky to have Evandro Fei Fang in the team.


The team

We at Epivity Health will do our utmost to take care of your health. Our team consists of an advisory board with a scientist, biochemist, fitness and nutritionist. We are always up to date on the latest in relevant research to provide you with effective and safe guidance. Contact us today to take control of your health.

Line Bruu

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Line Bruu

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Caroline Hall

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Caroline Hall

Nurse/Customer Coordinator
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Hallvar Sigmundstad

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Hallvar Sigmundstad

Fitness expert and motivator
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Hannah Went

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Hannah Went

Director of Operations at TruDiagnostic and member of the Epivity Advisory Board
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Nils T. Kjelkevik Reinton

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Nils T. Kjelkevik Reinton

Chief Operating Officer NAT and Member Epivity Advisory Board
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Hanne S. Finstad

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Hanne S. Finstad

Chair of the Epivity Advisory Board and Science Writer
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Evandro Feifang

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Evandro Feifang

Member of the Epivity Advisory Board
This is some text inside of a div block.
Ruth Foseide Thorkildsen

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Ruth Foseide Thorkildsen

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Join us at free information meeting

We will hold a few free and non-binding informational meetings with limited capacity which we will give you full insight into and understanding of how to live a better, longer and healthier life with highly feasible measures.

What we stand for

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What we stand for

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